National Mining Museum
Identity, Motion   |   2021

National Mining Museum sheds light on the foreign underground world in a contemporary fashion. Through immersive activities such as scavenger hunt or escape room, the museum offers an enjoyable yet informative experience to visitors of all ages!
Molka – A PSA 
Motion  |   2021

Molka, an abbreviated term for secret cameras in Korean, are miniature cameras secretly and illegally installed to capture voyeuristic images and videos of women. This PSA aims to raise awareness for the heightened digital crime rates of Korea, and to emphasize that all actions in the process are just as serious as the production.

This project was awarded the RISD GD Tomás Gonda Social Justice Fund.

My Hair Journey
Motion   |   2018

Bleached my hair and ended up in a sea of conditioner.

Art Direction   |   2021

Vivevive is a woman’s underwear brand with a mission to spread a body positive message to Korean women. I worked on Vivevive’s 21SS <I am My Own Archive>, 2021 <With My Period> Menstrual Hygiene Day, and 2021 Summer Sale <Summer Vibe, Let’s Vive!>

Done at Blank Corporation.